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2016 The Moment That Comes Is About To Go- 6 Vision about Time, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipe


The Moment that Comes is about to Go- 6 Visions about Time


台北當代藝術館戶外電子影像牆 MOCA LED TV Wall


The Moment that Comes is about to Go- 6 Visions about Time

一種可能的全球倫理道德體系,必須處於記憶與當下之間;處於這個過渡性的、來回往復的運動中,處在陰魂遲遲不散的過去和拒絕按時誕生的未來之間。- 霍米.巴巴(Homi K. Bhabha)

A potential global system of ethics and morality must exist between our memory and the present moment, between this transitional, alternating movement, and between the lingering ghost of the past and a future that refuses to come into being when expected. –Homi K. Bhabha


Our history is not comprised of unchanging facts or truths. Our interpretation of the “past” actually illustrates our “present” values and ethics, and hence, a driving force that constitutes our “future.” Therefore, “the present moment” integrates the past and the future, and becomes an ephemeral, transient temporal unity. The participating artists in The Moment that Comes is about to Go have cast a retrospective glance to deconstruct the present, simultaneously offering their critiques and postulating a future based on a new ethics. The concept of time represented in their works is not linear; instead, it surfaces as a dynamic, alternating process, gradually progressing towards an imagined future.

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